Revive Your Dishwasher: Sprinkle Dishwasher Detergent and Run a Cycle for a Sparkling Clean!

Just like any other appliance in your home, your dishwasher needs a little TLC to keep it working at its best. Over time, food particles, soap scum, and grease can build up in your dishwasher, reducing its cleaning power and leaving your dishes less than sparkling. But did you know that you can revive your dishwasher and restore its cleaning power with a simple trick? All you need is some dishwasher detergent and an empty cycle. This article will guide you through the process and answer all your potential questions about this dishwasher maintenance hack.

Why Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

It might seem counterintuitive to clean an appliance that’s designed to clean, but it’s necessary. Over time, food particles, grease, and soap scum can build up in your dishwasher, reducing its cleaning power. This can lead to dishes that aren’t fully clean, unpleasant odors, and even mechanical problems if left unchecked. Regularly cleaning your dishwasher can help prevent these issues and keep your dishwasher running smoothly.

How Does Dishwasher Detergent Help?

Dishwasher detergent is designed to break down food particles, grease, and soap scum, making it an excellent cleaner for your dishwasher. By running a cycle with dishwasher detergent but no dishes, you allow the detergent to focus solely on cleaning your dishwasher. This can help remove buildup and restore your dishwasher’s cleaning power.

How to Clean Your Dishwasher with Dishwasher Detergent

Cleaning your dishwasher with dishwasher detergent is a simple process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Remove any dishes from your dishwasher.
  2. Sprinkle a generous amount of dishwasher detergent in the bottom of your dishwasher. You can use either powdered or liquid detergent, but avoid using detergent pods as they may not dissolve fully.
  3. Run a normal cycle on your dishwasher. Choose the hottest water setting to help dissolve and remove buildup.
  4. Once the cycle is complete, open the dishwasher and let it air dry.

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

How often you should clean your dishwasher depends on how often you use it. If you run a cycle every day, you should clean your dishwasher once a month. If you use your dishwasher less frequently, you can clean it every two to three months. However, if you notice an unpleasant odor or your dishes aren’t getting as clean as they should be, it might be time for a cleaning.

In conclusion, cleaning your dishwasher with dishwasher detergent is a simple and effective way to maintain your appliance and ensure your dishes come out sparkling clean. So why not give your dishwasher a little TLC today?